Business Overview
This Australian-owned practice has been trading for over 25 years. They are a small team with a formidable reputation and a holistic approach to project management.
This profitable business provides complete end to end services and solutions for civil, structural, environmental, and geotechnical projects.
From concept design and development, through to coordinating with architects, builders, contractors, and government authorities, this business is able to maintain a competitive advantage over other competitors of similar size. Big firm expertise with boutique execution.
This potential transaction would especially be suited for strategic acquisition.
There are 5 contractors working within the business, as well as the working owner who intends to stay working in the business for 12 months post completion ( at Purchaser's discretion ).
There are also significant opportunities within the business and industry at large, that could be taken advantage of by the successful Purchaser in collaboration with the outgoing owner.
This business is offered to the market at $525,000 which includes all assets necessary to operate and maintain the business. (Goodwill, IP, P&E).

Revenue $1M+
25 years of trading history and reputation
Repeat and diversified customer base
Established order book and work in the pipeline
Niche untapped opportunities
Ongoing 12-month support from the owner
Financial Summary (2020 Financial Year)
Revenue: $1,028,000
Expenses: $385,048
Wages to Owner: $164,250
Wages incl Super: $280,966
EBITDA: $360,846
Buying a business is easy with Vision
"We understand that as every business is different, so is every buyer. Ask your broker about the information that the Vendor will make available as part of due diligence, so you know what to expect at the beginning of the process."

Dan Levitus
(m) 0450 326 146
(t) (02) 8923 2632
The Purchaser is responsible for conducting their own investigations in relation to this business and VBA does not warrant the accuracy of any information contained on this business