Business Overview
This high-profit Sydney-based business prints over 125,000 magazines per month, circulated to businesses and residents within the community.
They are a well-established and recognised brand with high community engagement that in addition to the magazine, spawns across several digital assets, such as email newsletters, for sale websites and buy and sell, Facebook groups.
Considerable intellectual property is owned by the business which includes:
22 Business Names
2 Trademarks
17 registered domains
The business is run with high efficiency and flawless documented systems and processes that supports minimal oversight from the owner. The organisational structure features and Editor in Chief, Journalists, Account Managers, and administrative staff.
The business has performed consistently in the last 3 years FY23, FY22 and FY21, with revenue of $2.552M, $2.529M and $2.529M respectively.
Median 3 year EBITDA $757,560 with FY23 slightly higher at $758,426. This is after the cost of the part time owners wage. ($120,000+ Super Pro Rata).
The true value for a Purchaser's perspective in this business lies in its ability to grow the digital revenue.
This represents a very unique opportunity to acquire a community publication with a vast and affluent audience that has been tightly held by the founder for over 20 years, with the 3 most recent years the most successful on record.
Now with the addition of new digital assets and services, the business is ready for it's next phase of growth and expansion.
Key Features:
Proprietary job management software
Exemplary governance with operating procedures and videos
High customer retention with 40% of customers advertising for longer than 5 years
EBITDA consistently exceeds 20%of revenue
Mature established foundation with clear low-hanging fruit ripe for Purchaser
250,000+ residential and business database members across socials and emails
Buying a business is easy with Vision
"We understand that as every business is different, so is every buyer. Ask your broker about the information the Vendor will make available as part of due diligence so you know what to expect at the beginning of the process."

Daniel Kogan
Senior Partner
Licensed Business Broker
m: 0401 620 918
t: (02) 8923 2632

Dan Levitus
Senior Partner
Licensed Business Broker
m: 0450 326 146
t: (02) 8923 2632
The Purchaser is responsible for conducting their own investigations in relation to this business and VBA does not warrant the accuracy of any information contained in this business.